So. You're a hotshot programmer for something that isn't the NES. Well, maybe a warmshot programmer. Maybe you're an average computer geek that likes emulators and thinks it would be cool to write up some .NES programs. Maybe you're like me and the 6502 family of processors was the first one you ever learned assembler for, back when you were 12 and playing with your Apple IIe or Commodore 64, and now you want to put that knowledge to good use now that you've got the CS ability to back it up.
Maybe you went online to find NES development data and found a huge mass of impossibly technical stuff for the people that really know what's going on, and a somewhat smaller mass of stuff that's so basic that it can't teach you anything at all.
Maybe you've gotten so lost seeing the people who are making the NES do stuff that isn't in its spec sheets that you can't find how to make it do the things that are in its spec sheets.
Maybe this seriously irritates you, or makes you think that maybe you found out about the NES development scene too late.
Maybe this article is for you.
You know the drill. This article and the code therein is © 2001,2 Michael Martin. This tutorial is intended to be used, however, so feel free to make copies and share with friends. Don't edit the text, please. If there's something wrong with the code or the info, let me know and I'll fold it into the text.
Some of the graphics (specifically, the character set) were derived from a font created by Commodore Business Machines in 1982.
Generic thanks go to everyone who's written NES documentation and put it on the web, for getting me started down this crazy path, and to the developers who publish their NES source code, for giving me examples of code that works so I can figure out why mine doesn't.
Specific thanks go to Memblers and the NESDev crew for functioning as a clearinghouse for this information, and to Christian Henz for pointing out a bug in the 1.0 code. Thanks as well to Quietust for additional pointers on $4017 magic, and a technical proofread which caught some embarassing errors.
We'll be building a complete NES program that does all the basic stuff in this tutorial, so I don't want to deal with too much that's outside of that. This means that I assume some stuff about you.
This is the complete text of the official 65xx series programming guide. If you don't know 6502 assembler, this is where to learn. If you're new to assembler programming, it will help you some (though you may want to learn on a less rigorous system, like the Commodore 64) - if you already know the basics of assembly, this will rapidly get you up to speed on the opcodes and addressing modes.
Commodore 64 Programmer's GuideChapter 5 is the chapter on machine language, and will give a gentle introduction to the ways of 6502 assembly if you've never dealt with assembly before. The C64 uses a 6510, which has the same opcodes as the NES' 2A03, with a few additions (the ability to perform binary-coded-decimal operations and byte rotation) and a few subtractions (sound is done off-chip). The P65 assembler was originally intended to produce C64 .PRG files; these files can usually be directly loaded by an appropriate emulator.
A collection of documents on NES development and emulator development. If you need information, check here before you hit Google. Specific documents hosted at NESdev are listed below, but some may be out of date by the time you read this. Check the main NESdev page for updates.
Jeremy "Yoshi" Chadwick's NES Technical DocumentThis is THE basic document for NES technical information, with a bit of a slant towards emulation. You need this data, even if it is slightly outdated. I won't repeat it, but I'll cross-reference it.
Brad Taylor's NES Sound Channel GuideThe definitive information on NES sound. We'll touch on sound effects in this tutorial, but if you want to write a music driver or fancy sound effects, this will tell you what you need to know. Actually, if you want to clone the NES's sound hardware in silicon, this will also tell you what you need to know...
Joker21's NES programming TutorialIt was by tearing apart this document (and cross-checking with Yoshi's) that I managed to deduce enough practical information to produce the demo that accompanies this tutorial. By itself, this document doesn't do much. It doesn't repay careful study; it DOES repay careful dissection. (How many short NES programs can you name?) Very specific to NESASM (which I don't use) - the implications of NESASM inspired a number of features in P65. If you can work through his demo program with your chosen assembler, you'll be able to work out how to assemble your own ROMs.
This is my assembler for the 6502. It's written in Perl, which means that it will run on pretty much everything. (Go to to acquire a version of Perl that runs on your system.) The current version of P65 (1.1 at the time of this writing) allows for extremely flexible memory allocation and file organization, and has some interesting error checking features that are a bit beyond the scope of this tutorial.
Learn by doing, right? "Build a complete NES program that does all the basic stuff" is not exactly a highly specified problem. So, let's break up all the aspects and produce a list of all the things that we want to do:
OK, so that's what we need. Now to come up with stuff that the tutorial will do to touch upon all of these things.
Ready? Let's go!
Turning a bunch of chips on a cartridge into a file doesn't necessarily match what your average assembler produces. NEStech section 9.A gives us what our file has to look like, as well as telling us what we need to decide about our "cartridge."
Immediately we are overwhelmed with terminology. (Well, not immediately. The first four bytes - iNES' "magic number" - are easy enough to deal with.) Let's get some definitions out of the way.
Our code will be small. We won't need more than one block each of PRG-ROM or CHR-ROM. Because of this, our whole program will fit inside the NES' memory without any fancy hardware - this is simulated by Mapper #0. NESdev will have the latest documentation on the various memory mappers and how to use them; mapper #0 (NROM) takes one or two blocks of PRG-ROM and zero or one blocks of CHR-ROM. CHR-ROM goes in VRAM location $0000-$1FFF; the two blocks of PRG-ROM go in $8000-$BFFF and $C000-$FFFF. (If there's only one block of PRG-ROM, as in this case, copies are loaded into both blocks.) Attempts to write to program locations $8000-$FFFF have no effect. I haven't done any experiments with trying to overwrite pattern tables under Mapper #0, but I suspect you can't. Generally speaking, you don't want to mess with pattern tables directly anyway (unless you're using Mapper #2).
We're only scrolling vertically, which means that we should use Horizontal Mirroring. Our name tables will be at $2000 (mirrored at $2400) and $2800 (mirrored at $2C00) in VRAM.
Consulting the table describing the iNES file, we produce our top level file, tutor.p65. Here it is in its entirety:
; iNES header ; iNES identifier .ascii "NES" .byte $1a ; Number of PRG-ROM blocks .byte $01 ; Number of CHR-ROM blocks .byte $01 ; ROM control bytes: Horizontal mirroring, no SRAM ; or trainer, Mapper #0 .byte $00, $00 ; Filler .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; PRG-ROM .include "tutorprg.p65" ; CHR-ROM .include "tutorchr.p65"
We'll put our code for the PRG-ROM chip in the tutorprg.p65 file, and our code defining the characters in the tutorchr.p65 file. Often, CHR-ROM data will be produced directly as a binary by some other tool. In cases like that, you'd replace the .include "tutorchr.p65" line with something like .incbin "tutor.chr".
Now that that's out of the way, we can start producing stuff that the deck will actually see. A good starting point is the three interrupt vectors. We won't have our graphics be interrupt-driven, we will never execute the BRK instruction (assuming we don't completely screw up), and we won't be invoking any IRQs. Our basic tutorprg.p65 will look like this:
reset: ; Do initialization here loop: jmp loop ; IRQ and VBLANK don't do anything yet vblank: rti irq: rti .advance $FFFA .word vblank, reset, irq
This doesn't do much (but infinite loops are good for you, in the console world), but we've gotten our basics out of the way. VBLANK and IRQ both just return immediately. (This is mildly evil. IRQ should never happen, so if we're doing development we ought to have the system crash or otherwise let us know that unpleasantness is going on. By the time we release though, we can just cross our fingers and hope nobody notices.)
The core of your code will be the main loop or frame loop. Each iteration through the loop will advance the graphics, sound, and other things by one frame. On NTSC (North American and Asian) machines, this happens 60 times a second. On PAL (European) machines, it's 50. This isn't horrendously important for this program, but there will be a rather marked difference in speed between PAL and NTSC machines. (Most emulators treat the system as an NTSC system.)
Generally speaking, you should only mess with the video memory during VBLANK - the time in between frames when the electron gun in your TV is moving back up to the top. See section 4.M in NEStech for a description of VBlank and HBlank.
There are two ways to detect VBlank: hardware and software. In the hardware method, you instruct the PPU to produce a non-maskable interrupt every VBlank. This produces an interrupt that jumps to the VBlank/NMI procedure you specified at memory location $FFFA.
Another approach is to detect it in software. Memory location $2002 is the graphical status register, and bit 7 of it becomes 1 when a new VBlank occurs. Thus, spinlocking for a VBlank is a simple matter of loading location $2002 until the value therein is negative.
On a real NES, and on good emulators, reading $2002 clears it. After you read a 1 in, the VBlank bit will be 0 until the next VBlank. Poorer emulators fail to do this, and return a 1 if the machine is in VBlank and a 0 if it is not. We will end our loop with a spinlock that waits for the VBlank value to become 0. This does (almost) nothing on a good emulator, and fixes performance on a bad one.
Spinlocking on $2002 in your main loop is generally considered a bad move. It's better to put your frame update inside the VBLANK routine. In cases where you may have processing that's intensive enough that one frame isn't enough to handle it, only put frame-critical updates inside VBLANK and use some global variable to have VBLANK tell the main routine that the graphics updates are done and it's OK to mess with the sprite state, compute physics models, or what have you.
It is also good practice to wait two VBLANKS before doing anything important. This has to be done by spinlocking on $2002.
The whole system in our tutorial file is a stimulus/response, graphics display engine. There are no real "downtime" calculations to do, and the entire frame update, including computing what happens next, is generally complete before the VBLANK period even ends. So we'll just put everything in the VBLANK handler for this program.
We also can use an evil trick. The IRQ handler does nothing but execute a return statement (RTI). We point the IRQ handler to VBLANK's RTI statement, and save ourselves a byte of code. (This fusion of subroutines can be done more generally, and can save considerable space; however, it makes maintanence of the resulting code all but impossible if it's done in anything but the most trivial cases. If you do it, keep copies of your original code around.
Our interrupt handlers thus look like this:
vblank: jsr scroll'screen jsr update'sprite jsr react'to'input irq: rti
At power-on, RAM is probably zeroed, but in general we have no guarantee what's in memory at reset. Our initialization routine should manually clear out all the RAM it's going to use, and then set the appropriate initial values.
Technically we can ignore the "Decimal" flag, as the NES does not have support for Binary Coded Decimal, but it's good form to clear it out with a CLD command during initialization anyway.
Initialization is supposed to be done before everything else; because of this, it is a good idea to disable interrupts while initialization is going on. In fact, since the sound hardware occasionally generates interrupts, an SEI instruction should be the first thing the deck sees after a RESET.
The 6502 has a flat memory model, much like modern processors. A modern machine has 32-bit addresses, and can thus access 232 = 4,294,967,296 bytes of memory (4 gigabytes). The new 64-bit architectures can address 16 exabytes. The 6502 series has 16-bit addresses, which span a whopping 216 = 65,536 bytes of memory (64 kilobytes). In contrast, the 8086 series used a segmented memory architecture where a the address bytes overlapped, and the 32-bit address let you only get at 220 = 1,048,576 bytes of memory (1 megabyte). (It no longer does. The series switched to a flat memory architecture around the 80386 or 80486.)
The literature on the 6502 series breaks up the 64 kilobytes of address space into 256 pages of 256 bytes each. Page 0 (the "zero page") is locations $0000-$00FF, page $1A is $1A00-$1AFF, and so on. Pages 0 and 1 are special for the 6502 family of processors. The zero page is required for holding pointer values, and memory instructions involving the zero page are both faster and smaller than elsewhere. Most 6502-based computers snarf most of the zero page for their operating system, but the NES has no OS, so we can do as we please with it. Page 1 is the stack and should generally be left alone (except for push and pop commands).
The NES only has 2K of program RAM. These are the first 7 pages, $0000 to $07FF. NEStech section 3.B gives the basic memory map and where it is mirrored. If you really need more RAM than that for your program, hijack the "Save RAM" at $6000, and note its presence in the .NES header. (This RAM would be included on the cartridge, were this a real cartridge.)
Note that despite the fact that the 6502's memory model is flat, there are still three general segments of CPU-MEM:
Of these, only the last one is actually specified in the .NES file; the rest are implicit in the addresses of the instructions. However, as human programmers, we like to have symbolic names for memory locations and not REALLY care too much about where it goes as long as it's in the right region. NESASM has directives to move you back and forth between these regions (.zp for the zero page, .bss for the normal RAM - a term it inherits from Intel's segmented architecture, and .code for marking actual program text). P65 was inspired in part by the basic assemblers for the MIPS architecture and uses .data and .text. However, it also lets you define regions more or less arbitrarily, and even lets them overlap. We can use this to produce a seperate region for zero page variables. It does no consistency checking, and if you enter an .org wrong, or put space in a .text region, or code in a .data region, you're almost certainly in big trouble. (Alternatively, you're unleashing something like self-relocating code, and it works great, which is why P65 doesn't check too hard.)
P65 also just lets you assign names to arbitrary memory locations. This is tempting for us, as we have exactly three local variables: we need to keep track of what direction the sprite is moving, how far we've scrolled, and a flag keeping track of the A button (we'll get to all of these later). We'll just put all of those on the zero page, for speed and size purposes. Also, the current state of the sprites is maintained in a 256-byte block of special memory called SPR-RAM. The traditional way to write to it involves copying a page from the CPU-RAM to the SPR-RAM, and the hardware has a cheap way of doing that. We'll use page 2 ($0200-$02FF) of CPU-RAM to keep track of sprites. Directly specifying the addresses produces a chunk of code like this at the top of tutorprg.p65:
.alias dx $00 .alias a $01 .alias scroll $02 .alias sprite $200
Easy enough, but if there are a lot of variables, or if you need to change the size of one of them later, you've got your work cut out for you. P65 provides a command .space that you use inside data segments to allocate variables of any given size. We'll keep sprite as a directly defined address because it's important that it point to the beginning of a page. The fancier variable allocation code looks like this:
; Assign the sprite page to page 2. .alias sprite $200 ; Define zero page variables. .segment zp .org $0000 .space dx 1 .space a 1 .space scroll 1 ; Program begins here. .text .org $C000 reset: ; ... rest of code
If we had variables that we were putting outside of the Zero Page, we'd put them in .data, and our first .data would be followed by an .org $0300 so the variables would start right after the sprite definitions stopped.
Now that memory has been allocated, we proceed with initialization. This covers three areas. We'll cover each one as we add them to our code.
reset: sei cld ; Wait two VBLANK cycles. * lda $2002 bpl - * lda $2002 bpl - jsr init'graphics jsr init'input jsr init'sound cli loop: jmp loop
The *s in the code above are "anonymous labels", another of P65's features. The command bpl - means "branch to previous anonymous label if positive." You can go forward or backward arbitrary numbers of labels, but we only use it for simple loops in this tutorial. If your assembler doesn't have anonymous labels, just invent random names for the labels and don't use the same one twice.
If you really want to be thorough in your CPU initialization, you should not only clear out the entirety of RAM, you should also reset the stack pointer to the top of the stack ($01FF). Since the stack holds the return addresses of your procedure calls, you must not do this inside of a procedure - stick it in the code right after the RESET vector.
Here's one way to do it:
lda #$00 ldx #$00 * sta $000,x sta $100,x sta $200,x sta $300,x sta $400,x sta $500,x sta $600,x sta $700,x inx bne - ldx #$FF txs
Note that this code avoids the need to store any addresses in memory (where they'd be clobbered) by "unrolling" the loop.
We'll need to do a bunch of stuff to prepare our graphics. We need to prepare the sprites, the palette, the background, and our scrolling. These will all be dealt with in later sections (and will get their own subroutines).
We also need to decide on our configuration. PPU configuration mostly involves deciding on what to write into $2000 and $2001 of the CPU memory. We consult NEStech's section 8 to determine what it is we need.
Now it's a simple matter of turning those into binary numbers and feeding them to the appropriate registers.
Most of our initialization involves writing values into VRAM. NESTech section 10.C describes the basic protocol for doing this. There is an internal VRAM pointer that can be set, and it autoincrements when you write into the VRAM I/O register (we'll be doing this shortly). Unfortunately for our initialization routines, the PPU manipulates this VRAM pointer behind the CPU's back when it draws the screen, which means that the writes through the I/O register end up going to the wrong locations. To ensure that this does not happen, we must turn off the graphics updates before initialization. A quick check on the table indicates that simply writing zeros into $2000 and $2001 will turn off the display and disable the VBLANK interrupt. (We should wait for VBLANK to actually do the switch, to ensure we're in a nice and consistent state.)
Also, we want to make sure that we don't get any interrupts while we're still initializing, so we should set this last.
Thus, our initialization calls go something like:; Disable all graphics. lda #$00 sta $2000 sta $2001 jsr init'graphics jsr init'input jsr init'sound ; Set basic PPU registers. Load background from $0000, ; sprites from $1000, and the name table from $2000. lda #%10001000 sta $2000 lda #%00011110 sta $2001 cli ; Transfer control to the VBLANK routines. loop: jmp loop
The init'graphics routine itself will just call the various components.
init'graphics: jsr init'sprites jsr load'palette jsr load'name'tables jsr init'scrolling rts
The NES has three totally seperate memory spaces. The CPU-MEM is what you hit with your LDA and STA statements. Most of our graphics information - pattern tables, name tables, attribute tables, palettes - is stored in PPU-MEM, a seperate 16 kilobytes of address space we access through $2006 and $2007 of CPU-MEM (see below). Lastly, there are 256 bytes of memory (SPR-MEM) that can be accessed through $2003 and $2004, or through $4014. More on that when we get to sprites.
To write to PPU memory, you write the address to $2006, high byte first. (Yes, the 6502 is little-endian, so this is totally backwards with respect to the instruction encoding. Tough.) The value you wish to write is then written to $2007. This produces the write, and also advances the internal VRAM pointer by the amount specified in our write to $2000 earlier. (In this case, 1.)
Again, this internal VRAM pointer is modified continuously by the PPU when it is drawing the screen. Do not touch memory location $2007 except during VBLANK, or unless the background display is off. Older emulators will let you do this, but real decks (and newer, more precise emulators) will die horribly.
(Note to the CS types: Yep, this is a concurrency/multiprocessing issue. Bet you thought you wouldn't have to worry about that stuff when retrocoding. Think again.)
So let's start writing stuff into the VRAM, shall we? Our pattern tables are already in place, from $0000 to $1FFF, and we can't mess with that when we're using the mapper that we're using. We'll start by copying in our palette. (Information on the palettes may be found in NEStech section 4.F.)
; Load palette into $3F00 load'palette: lda #$3F ldx #$00 sta $2006 stx $2006 * lda palette,x sta $2007 inx cpx #$20 bne - rts ; palette data palette: .byte $0E,$00,$0E,$19,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$01,$21 .byte $0E,$20,$22,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
The first four lines there set the VRAM pointer to $3F00, the beginning of the palette memory. Then it's a simple index-advance loop to jam 32 values into $2007, one at a time. (Note that the read is indexed, and the write is not.)
The palette data itself is fairly straightforward. The first sixteen values are the background palette, the last sixteen are the sprite palette. Any color that isn't used is marked 00.
Each element in the pattern table has two bits of color information (the two least significant bits) - the top two bits are set by the attribute tables (for background) or the individual sprite. (We'll deal with that in detail later.) For now it is enough to note that any pattern pixel whose color is '00' is treated as transparent, regardless of attribute or sprite color. This means that you only really have 12 colors to work with. (The background's color 0 - in this case, 0E - is the 'ultimate background' color.)
Basic information about sprites is in section 4.K of the NEStech document. If you haven't read 4.D yet (pattern tables), that'll be good to know too. We aren't doing anything terribly special with background priorities, but section 4.J discusses the issues involved.
Sprites take their data from one of the pattern tables - we chose pattern table 1 (at $1000 in VRAM) back during PPU initialization. We'll only be using one sprite, so we need a "blank" sprite pattern for the other 63 sprites. Our CHR-ROM specification will thus look something like this:
.advance $1000 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; Character 0: Blank .byte $18,$24,$66,$99,$99,$66,$24,$18,$00,$18,$18,$66,$66,$18,$18,$00 ; Character 1: Diamond sprite .advance $2000
Actual sprite data is stored in a page (256 bytes) of memory seperate from VRAM. NEStech calls it SPR-RAM, and we'll follow their conventions. There are two ways to get at SPR-RAM. One way is to write the address into $2003 and then the value into $2004. Comments on the NESdev site imply that this is tricky and can occasionally produce graphical glitches. If you've got the RAM to spare, DMA transfer is a better choice, and that's what we'll use.
Sprite DMA transfer is simple. The 6502 can address 256 pages of memory (page 0 = $0000-$00FF, page 1 = $0100-$01FF, and so on) - writing an 8-bit value to location $4014 jams the entire contents of that page into SPR-RAM.
We set our alias 'sprite' to point at location $0200, so Page 2 will be our CPU-RAM copy of SPR-RAM. Consulting secton 4-K, we decide on the rest of the data we'll need for our initial conditions.
init'sprites: ; Clear page #2, which we'll use to hold sprite data lda #$00 ldx #$00 * sta sprite, x inx bne - ; initialize Sprite 0 lda #$70 sta sprite ; Y coordinate lda #$01 sta sprite+1 ; Pattern number sta sprite+3 ; X coordinate ; sprite+2, color, stays 0. ; Set initial value of dx lda #$01 sta dx rts
Updating the sprite just involves adding the value of 'dx' to the Sprite's X value, and changing dx if necessary. Because we do the DMA before the update, we guarantee no problems with flicker, and the values in $200 tend to be one frame ahead. It's not that big of a deal, but if we're debugging our sprite code, we should note that.
update'sprite: lda #>sprite sta $4014 ; Jam page $200-$2FF into SPR-RAM lda sprite+3 beq hit'left cmp #255-8 bne edge'done ; Hit right ldx #$FF stx dx jsr high'c jmp edge'done hit'left: ldx #$01 stx dx jsr high'c edge'done: ; update X and store it. clc adc dx sta sprite+3 rts
The routine "high'c" is a sound effect routine; we'll deal with that later.
Creating the backgrounds are comparatively more difficult than creating the sprites. Go read Chapter 4 of the NEStech doc, sections A through H. Go on, I'll wait.
. . .
Back? Good.
Our pattern tables are already loaded into VROM, thanks to our clever use of Mapper #0. We merely need to initialize our name and attribute tables. There are all kinds of clever ways to compress this data, but we've got PRG-ROM space to burn, so we'll just jam it in a byte at a time. We've got $2000 and $2400 mirrored, so by filling the name tables at $2400 and then $2800, all our screens have been defined. $2400's will be full of stuff; $2800's will be blank. The code for loading up $2400 looks like this:
load'name'tables: ; Jam some text into the first name table (at $2400, thanks to mirroring) ldy #$00 ldx #$04 lda #bg sta $11 lda #$24 sta $2006 lda #$00 sta $2006 * lda ($10),y sta $2007 iny bne - inc $11 dex bne -
Upon reading that code, you had one of two reactions. If your reaction was "OK, that transferred a kilobyte of information from label bg into $2007, one byte at a time, using $10 and $11 as its memory pointer," you can skip the rest of this paragraph. For the ones staring in puzzled horror, it works like this. The key is indirect indexed addressing: $10 contains the low byte of the beginning of the background info, and $11 starts with the high byte thereof. That memory address, plus Y, is what is loaded into the accumulator with the instruction lda ($10), y. Once y wraps around and becomes 0 again, the high byte is incremented (so, by adding the new value of y (0) to it, we advance one byte, net). Then the X register is decremented. If it's zero, we stop. Since we loaded X with 4 at the beginning, the net effect is to transfer $0400 (1024) bytes into VRAM.
After jamming the name and attribute data in, we can proceed to clear out the next page table. The VRAM pointer is already at $2800, so we can just load 1,024 zeroes into VRAM. The basic loop structure ends up the same:
; Clear out the Name Table at $2800 (where we already are. Yay.) ldy #$00 ldx #$04 lda #$00 * sta $2007 iny bne - dex bne - rts
All that remains is the actual specification of the background and basic attrbute tables itself. We'll just be displaying text, so we need an alphabet. If you're in an optimizing mood, you can only keep the letters that you want to use. We, however, have lots of pattern table space, so we'll copy all values from ASCII 32-95 (space through 'Z') into the appropriate locations in pattern table 0; that way we can use .ascii directives to produce our screen background. As a source of letters, we raid the Commodore 64 Character Generator ROM. These are only 8 bytes each (the C64 has a monochrome character set) - we append 8 bytes of FF to the end of it, causing the two colors to be 3 and 4 of our chosen attribute for that location. Why do we do this? We'd like to do a background change (to fake the C64 colors) at the bottom of the screen. If we had the not-part-of-the-letter parts of the graphic be color 0, they would be read as transparent and would thus not have a different background.
Note that the top and bottom lines of the background are not displayed except for the edgemost pixel; this allows for smooth scrolling in both directions. Since we turned off background clipping, the leftmost column remains visible.
; Background data bg: .ascii " " .ascii "12345678901234567890123456789012" .ascii " " .ascii " " .ascii " PRESENTING NES 101: " .ascii " A GUIDE FOR OTHERWISE " .ascii " EXPERIENCED PROGRAMMERS " .ascii " " .ascii " TUTORIAL FILE BY " .ascii " MICHAEL MARTIN " .ascii " " .ascii " " .ascii " " .ascii " PRESS UP AND DOWN TO SHIFT " .ascii " THE SPRITE " .ascii " " .ascii " PRESS A TO REVERSE DIRECTION" .ascii " " .ascii " " .ascii " " .ascii " " .ascii " " .ascii " " .ascii "CHARACTER SET HIJACKED FROM " .ascii "COMMODORE BUSINESS MACHINES " .ascii " (C64'S CHARACTER ROM)" .ascii " " .ascii "READY. " .ascii " " .ascii " " ; Attribute table .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$F0,$F0,$F0,$F0,$F0,$F0,$F0,$F0 .byte $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F,$0F
Scrolling is only casually mentioned in the NEStech doc as of version 2.0; Loopy's docs contain the data needed to perform scrolling, but it's well hidden. The basic protocol for scrolling works like this:
Failure to adhere to this protocol can produce astonishing results, some of which you may even have intended, and a few of which might even be emulated by your emulator of choice. The 'final word' on the precise behavior or $2005 and $2006, and the PPU logic therein, is contained in Loopy's "The skinny on NES scrolling" documents. This document is mostly a string of zeroes and ones. To interpret them, consider them to be bitmasks (That is, the block of 1s on the left take the value of the block of 1s on the right.) You should be able to deduce your stunts from that.
A standard trick is to take advantage of the Sprite #0 hit flag (See NEStech section 4.L for info on the hit flag) to trigger a hit on a specific line every frame, then changing the horizontal scroll value. This lets you scroll part of the screen while leaving the rest static (handy for status bars and the like). Vertical scroll is trickier.
The two scroll routines themselves are thus pretty straightforward:
init'scrolling: lda #240 sta scroll rts scroll'screen: ldx #$00 ; Reset VRAM stx $2006 stx $2006 ldx scroll ; Do we need to scroll at all? beq no'scroll dex stx scroll lda #$00 sta $2005 ; Write 0 for Horiz. Scroll value stx $2005 ; Write the value of 'scroll' for Vert. Scroll value no'scroll: rts
Input is covered pretty well by section 6.A of NEStech. The only real trick here is the results only give the current state of the pad, so if we don't want to trigger an effect every frame, we must recall the old value. We use our variable 'a' to do this here. The direction will only be reversed when we press A; holding it down has no effect. (Without this check, it would jitter in place for as long as we held the button down.) The rest of the code is pretty straightforward. (The reverse-dx routine calls a sound routine, and performs standard two's complement negation.)
init'input: ; The A button starts out not-pressed. lda #$00 sta a rts react'to'input: lda #$01 ; strobe joypad sta $4016 lda #$00 sta $4016 lda $4016 ; Is the A button down? and #1 beq not'a ldx a bne a'done ; Only react if the A button wasn't down last time. sta a ; Store the 1 in local variable 'a' so that we this is jsr reverse'dx ; only called once per press. jmp a'done not'a: sta a ; A has been released, so put that zero into 'a'. a'done: lda $4016 ; B does nothing lda $4016 ; Select does nothing lda $4016 ; Start does nothing lda $4016 ; Up and #1 beq not'up ldx sprite ; Load Y value cpx #7 beq not'up ; No going past the top of the screen dex stx sprite not'up: lda $4016 ; Down and #1 beq not'dn ldx sprite cpx #223 ; No going past the bottom of the screen. beq not'dn inx stx sprite not'dn: rts ; Ignore left and right, we don't use 'em reverse'dx: lda #$FF eor dx clc adc #$01 sta dx jsr low'c rts
Brad Taylor's sound documents do a pretty good job of saying which registers do what for sound production. This article will only deal with computing the values that you need to put into said registers, and with $4017, which Brad Taylor's documents don't cover.
The Square and triangle waves have two modes, basically; they can do Decay or Sustain. If you're doing Decay to silence, we can just let the note "last" as long as we want. (When the counter set by the upper 5 bits of $2003 hits zero, the channel is cut off. We'll have a count of 127 frames, so that it fades off "naturally." Note that letting this counter run down is the only way to shut the channel up if you don't have a decay or if you have it looping.
Since we'll be just using Square Wave 1, initialization is pretty simple. We activate the channel by writing a 1 into $4015, and we clear out $4001 (since we won't be doing frequency sweeps). We leave $4000 alone because we'll have different decay rates for low C and high C.
Then there's $4017.
$4017 is a sound initialization register. Only bits 6 and 7 of $4017 are important, when you write to it. Bit 6 controls Sound IRQs: if bit 6 is set, no sound IRQs will occur. If it's clear (which is the default), interrupts to a sound routine will occur at the end of every audio frame. Audio and video frames have slightly different lengths, apparently; bit 7 lets you get some control about how different they are. Writing a 1 into bit 7, then never touching $4017 after that makes envelopes decay about 20% more slowly. Writing a 1 into bit 7 every NMI will produce similar decay rates to cleared 7 (probably the 'normal' decay rate) but timed effects like slides and fades won't happen until later in the frame - this will allow you to do more advanced sound computation without glitching the sound.
If an IRQ goes off, you must acknowledge it, either by writing $4017 or reading $4015. If you don't, another IRQ will be generated after one instruction. This is rarely what you want.
We don't care about any of that, but we'd rather not have any IRQs. We'll write a $40 into $4017 as well.
init'sound: ; initialize sound hardware lda #$01 sta $4015 lda #$00 sta $4001 lda #$40 sta $4017 rts
Oscillation is controlled by a down counter in $4002 and $4003, which means that's it's really the WAVELENGTH that we're (indirectly) specifying, not the frequency. Take notes, this is important:
Middle C is thus about 523 Hz, so our sound routine will need square waves at 261.5 Hz ($1AA) and 1,046 Hz ($06A). Since we're decaying to silence, we set the tone length to be %00001, which works out to 127 frames.
low'c: pha lda #$84 sta $4000 lda #$AA sta $4002 lda #$09 sta $4003 pla rts high'c: pha lda #$86 sta $4000 lda #$6A sta $4002 lda #$08 sta $4003 pla rts
(We save the value of the accumulator on the stack in these routines so that we don't have to wory about clobbering the value in the calling function.)
So, now we've now written a whole bunch of routines that, together, produce a complete program. For those of you who don't want to type everything in...
The final .NES file should run in nearly all emulators. I've tested it on LoopyNES, NESten, NESticle, and FCE Ultra.
And there you have it. You won't be setting the demo scene on fire with just this, but we might get some good original games out of you. Get to it!
-- Michael Martin, 24 Oct 2001