This zip file contains files for programming NES games in C. It also has a tutorial for using the cc65 C compiler. The other files included are for your benefit to understand the workings of the NES better. Please read the readme files to understand the function of each file. Below a list of useful links I used often while working on this project. Useful links 6502 C-compiler -list of instructions -List of sample code -to download your NES emulators Information Reference -seriously. -NES documentation playpowertech emailing list cc65 emailing list - NESASM tutorial -A good example of what can be programmed on an NES but with nBasic and not C. Provides a good framework and understanding of how an NES works and the necessary components to program. Use this link if you find yourself stuck and don't know where to go. Files included -Emulators jNES "friendly emulator" -seems to run a myriad of different .nes files just fine. Does not have a debugger like FCE. FCEUXD SP "supposed accurate hardware emulator" -is said that any game which runs on this emulator will run on the hardware as well. NOT to be confused with FCEUX which is a very mean emulator that runs very few games. -NES graphics creator (used to understand Nametables, pallete, tileset) -rNES library (has additional libraries to handle graphics and good sample code) CC65 Tutorial -Same as the word document, but without the nifty picture -download It's the full version but it installs itself into the correct paths so you don't need to fiddle with it. Very helpful. -click next next next next and finish to install. Not necessarily in that sequence. -write and save your C code as a .c file -open Command Prompt (Start>Run>"cmd") -go into the directory with your .c file -to compile your C code type "cc65 -t nes .c" into your command line. (the -t nes is needed to tell the compiler that your target file is an nes file.) Example: -if you saved your source code as demo.c "cc65 -t nes demo.c " NOTE:If you did not download the execultable full version of cc65, you will need to make sure your compiler is extracted into an accessible path before calling on it. -this will create a .s assembly file, compile this by typing "ca65 -t nes .s" The assembly file can still be opened and read if you are curious. -this will create an object file which needs to be linked with certain files to successfully create your NES file. Type "ld65 -t nes -o .nes demo.o nes.o nes.lib" The resulting file should be named .nes and should appear in the same directory as your source code file. This .nes file can be opened by any NES emulator out there.